One of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. The Renaissance architecture is overwhelming and behind every corner. Traffic is limited to boats, that are also noisy, but less annoying then cars. The famous center along the Canale Grande is truly amazing, but tourists (probably myself included) are a pain in the ass. Whole cruise ships send their passengers into the city, while the crew most likely sighs in relief once they are on their own.
The Italians have made this once famous trade link into a little Disney Land. But if you walk a bit out of the city's heart you'll find real Italians that actually live there, instead of commuting daily from the mainland. They hang their clothes into the narrow alleys, shop at a tiny, local shop and use the vaporetto to get around. The city is clustered with museums and churches of which I visited quiet a few. But the amazing part in my view is the absence of cars. There is no city worldwide of that size, with so few cars - as far as I know. And since I truly hate cars, it was quite an experience.

There are also other islands worth visiting. Murano is the center of the ancient tradition of blowing glass into all different shapes. Unlike the industrial version that we got used to, every glass is unique. But the colorization is usually kitsch. Isoala di San Michele is the Island of the dead. The whole Island is a cemetery. Walls surround it to make sure, sea water doesn't bring back the dead. Since sea levels are rising the Italians are building levees to save their future. Land prises are as high as water levels. Venice already now regularly suffers from corrosion of building foundations. Sea waters intrudes the canalization and affects air quality. Another Island I visited is Lido. There is a beach and it had a bit of a vibe like I assume Californian beach towns to be like. But there is nothing special about the place since cars are allowed. The Island I slept on was Guidecca. It has wonderful views of the city, ships passing by and sunsets.

In general I strongly recommend this city, but avoid the money hungry, back stabbing restaurants, use the vaporetto, and get ready to walk.
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