Saturday, September 17, 2011


After two hours of walking around to find a hostel that made any sense, I found a bed. I needed to do laundry and I was sweaty. I didn't like Bratislava much and decided that I am going the next morning. Eastern European cities in general look pretty similar and I missed exotic places. And that's when I made the decision of leaving Europe earlier than initially planned. Turkey for the next 4 weeks was what I called the "Promised Land". But I still had two promises to keep. Meeting Victoria in Germany and meeting my brothers in Kosovo.
I took a short stroll around the city in the evening and one by accident in the morning and wanted to by a bus ride to Zagreb. But there were no direct buses. Option one was to go back to expensive Vienna and look for a train or bus, the other option was going over Budapest. I choose the lather and slept one night in Budapest.  

1 comment:

La soƱadora said...

pitty that you had so little to talk about Slovakia! I would recommend the north part Poprad where the tatras are or Bojnice as a beautiful castle! there are many things to see there and the fact that you could write only "i didint like Bratislava much, the eastern european countries are similar" its a shame! =)