Wednesday, February 11, 2009


After beeing scamed for 3 Dollars at the border Timmy took a bumby collectivo to Flores a.k.a. Gringo Island. While staying in "Los Amigos" and desparatly trying to get some money out of these ATM's he was able to get to know the atmosphere of Guatemala. The city looks like an african city with latinos. Tuk Tuks and dust make up 50 % of the experience. Burger King and beer were the evening program.
The following day Grace and Rachel joined me. Thats a good thing. That meant there will be more jokes with " fish and penetration" coming up. We wen't together to Tikal to see the ruins. Amazing structures in the middle of the jungle. With some cool wildlife.
In the evening we crashed in the cheap bar at the seashore anf finally listend to a live snorring concert in the dorm. The following day we chilled while canoeing on the lake. Since I missed the bus in the morning I'm down to crash for another day - nap in the afternoon and beers and loughs in the evening.

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