Saturday, December 11, 2010


In Mbeya I should have met up with a South African I got to know in Mikadi. He works there in a brewery and has his house just next to it. Some years ago he was working as a subcontractor for a German brewery and basically stole all the engineering drawings for the production lines. Now he is the only guy in Tanzania who has the knowledge to repair them or set up new ones.
Anyway, I followed his description how to get there and took a 10$ taxi to his home after getting some supplies from the supermarket. Though nobody was home even though he assured me that he works there 24/6. The taxi driver was kind enough to ring him for me and I had to find out that he is 100km north for a few days. 10$ to get back to the city center. Damn. I ended up cooking my pasta in the backyard of a shitty guesthouse and left the next day in the hope of some better time in Malawi.

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