Thursday, May 6, 2010


As it turned out Lijiang is one of the favourite destinations of Chinese tourist in the whole of China. It even has components which only can b compared with Cancun or Mallorca. Way to loud music and Chinese people pounding their beer bottles onto the tables in the rhythm of the music. The streets are absolutely packed and souvenir shops are everywhere. The good thing that the traditional part of town is pretty big. But sadly a lot of houses have been built new here as well. The better restaurants pack out their vegetables, fish and beef out in front of the store which looks really nice. The best part about this town is the indirect light on all the buildings. Thus the great street view of the day gets even better during the night. But it is not a cheap place since Chinese tourists are willing to pay shit loads of money once a year in their short vacation. We only spent one night here since the extremely touristy feeling of Lijiang added to the experience in Dali and prooved just a bit to much. But the city itself was beautiful.

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