Friday, March 20, 2009


Rachel, Grace and me roard twoards Antigua through a dusty valley of nothing. After prooving my map skills we finally got an hostel - bedbugs included. Rage an I ordered a lot of Cuba Libre because it was Ladys Night. Next Day we found out that there is nothing you can do in Antigua so we decided that we might as well could get drunk. So we chilled in the parc during the afternoon and got drunk with Matt. In the evening we got another big bottle and 5 of us got wasted at the hostel "Black Cat". The next day we went to the volcano "Pacaya" where we witnessed lava and even ate some marshmellow, that we heated on the lava. "Frank the Tank" was drunk to begin with, climbed antennas without permission and got lost in the woods while the night settled in. The next day we split because I have already been to Lanquin. So I travelled by my own to Rio Dulce.

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